Trimming The Fat: The Truth About Diet Products

Whether they contain natural or synthetic ingredients, diet products are popular and they receive a lot of media attention. You’ve probably seen product-driven weight loss ads on TV, heard them on the radio, caught glimpses of diet products in the glossy pages of magazines or maybe clicked on an online ad promising some weight loss secret—drop belly fat fast! We’ve all received an email or two featuring the latest diet product trend. Despite all the paid media exposure, there just aren’t enough resources in place for experts to review and regulate the surplus of diet products in the marketplace. However, as long as there is strong consumer interest in diet products, weight loss supplements will continue to hit the shelves.

For many years my company focused on developing products that supported colon cleansing, gut detoxification through fiber and to a lesser extent, appetite control. While these products fell into the “diet” category, we resisted creating a fully actualized diet product until we were certain that the formulation would be truly unique and effective. We didn’t want to release a generic diet product into a saturated marketplace. We wanted to develop a product that would be a real game changer within our industry and this desire led us to trimboost.

I’ll let you in on a little secret; trimboost isn’t magic. Rather, it was designed to enhance the great work that you’re already doing by eating sensibly and exercising regularly. Its unique formula increases metabolism, burns fat and boosts energy levels by combining science with the most potent, natural ingredients.

Yes, ingredients. Plural. This isn’t another green coffee bean-only product or a raspberry keytone-only product. Instead of utilizing the weight loss benefits of one or two key ingredients, we took a multi-ingredient approach when developing trimboost. Multi-ingredient products can produce a harmonious effect within the body and are often more effective than single ingredient supplements. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), for example, formulations are usually created using a combination of herbs. This practice of combining synergistic ingredients has been effective in treating ailments for thousands of years.

For trimboost, we combined green coffee bean, green tea leaf extract, PharmaGABA and several other key ingredients to deliver an effective weight loss product that won’t cause anxiety or jitters—two common side effects when taking diet products.

As with any weight loss regimen, it’s important to consult with your family physician or natural health provider. Discuss your weight loss goals and come up with a plan to support not only your weight loss program, but your overall health, too.

After all, weight loss isn’t just facilitated by supplementation. Exercise and a healthy diet can also contribute to your weight loss success. For example, certain foods can help speed up your metabolism and others might slow it down. Eat right to feel energized, not sluggish. Remember, dieting isn’t just about counting calories. Watch for my next blog where I discuss this topic in greater detail and share my weight loss tips with you.

Warmest Regards,

David Khang