Meno-Thrive Women's Health Platinum Naturals 60
Meno-Thrive from $27.95 CAD $32.69 CAD
Meno-Thrive™ combines clinically proven ingredients, Eucommia and Mung Bean, to help manage symptoms and discomfort associated with perimenopause and menopause including hot flashes and night sweats. It also includes pomegranate seed oil, a potent source of antioxidants proven to help reduce the number of hot flashes and reduce symptoms of vaginal dryness. Fast relief in just 7 days from night sweats and hot flashes Clinically researched and proven ingredients  Supports heart health Relieves inflammation Supports mood and cognitive function Omega Absorb™ delivery system     View Ingredient Table   Description Eucommia A Traditional Chinese Medicine used to help balance female hormone function.1 The Eucommia bark contains isoflavonoids with estrogen-like properties to help mimic estrogen in the body. It is also known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 1Wang, Hong, et al. Estrogenic properties of six compounds derived from Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. and their di_ering biological activity through estrogen receptors a and ß. Food Chemistry, Volume 129, issue 2 (November 15, 2011), p. 408-416. Mung Bean Mung Bean belongs to a group of plants known as phytoestrogens (natural, plant-based estrogens). Phytoestrogens are useful to help increase declining estrogen levels. Pomegranate Seed Oil A luxurious cold-pressed oil from the seeds of pomegranate fruit; this high-quality oil contains flavonoids and punicic acid which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid known to be one of the strongest antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Studies have shown pomegranate seed oil helps reduce the number of hot flashes each day by almost 40%2. In another study symptoms of vaginal dryness were reduced by 35%3. 2Auerbach et al (2012) Menopause 19(4): 426-432 3Huber et al (2017) Altern Ther 23(2): 28-34 Relieves menopausal symptoms Hot flashes are a common menopausal symptom that can be uncomfortable and may interrupt a women’s daily life. When a hot flash occurs at night, they are called night sweats and can lead to disruptive sleep. Meno-Thrive combines Eucommia and Mung Bean, that works together to help reduce the severity or occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats. It also helps balance mood swings, increase energy levels and supports cognitive function. Clinically Proven ingredients Provides fast relief from hot flashes and night sweats in just 7 days4 77% experienced reduction in menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats in 7 days4 79% saw a reduction in emotional symptoms in 7 days4 4Published in peer reviewed medical journals - Menopause.2010;17(2):303 - Climacteric.2011;14(Suppl 1):4 Heart health & Inflammation After menopause, the risk of cardiovascular illness increases as the body’s production of estrogen declines. Pomegranate Seed oil play a role in maintaining healthy lipids profiles and reducing inflammation Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key Ingredients EUCOMMIA MUNG BEAN POMEGRANATE SEED OIL
Prenatal Easymulti Prenatal cg-dev-platinumnaturals 60
Prenatal Easymulti from $49.79 CAD
You want what’s best for you and your baby. In one softgel a day, Prenatal Easymulti is a comprehensive multivitamin for pregnant and nursing mothers and those trying to conceive. It features a complete range of vitamins, minerals, and DHA for a healthy mother and child.  One softgel a day enriched with DHA Fetal brain and eye development Complete support for mother and baby before, during, and after pregnancy Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects Iron maintains your energy in an easily-absorbed form Omega Absorb™ delivery system View Ingredient Table   Description When you’re pregnant, you want the best nutrition for you and your baby. Prenatal Easymulti supports optimal health for you and your baby: Numerous vitamins and minerals are known to support fertility when you are trying to conceive Replenishes vitamins and minerals depleted by the added demands on your body of a growing fetus Reinforces your immune system at a critical time when you can’t afford to become sick Enhances your vitality and combats feelings of exhaustion, low energy and weakness often experienced in pregnancy Makes up for nutritional shortfalls in your diet and ensures that the baby has an adequate supply of nutrients Improves the quality of breast milk Contributes to the development of healthy bones and higher bone density Brain and Eyes DHA is crucial for fetal brain and eye development. Since the body can’t manufacture DHA, it must be supplemented through your diet. The developing baby gets it from the mother. Studies have shown that you can improve your baby’s mental and physical development by increasing your DHA levels. DHA intake has been linked to improved birth weights, enhanced immunity, and a reduced risk of allergic disease and preterm delivery. Prenatal Easymulti ensures you get adequate amounts. Bone strength and immunity Vitamin D3 helps you absorb calcium and phosphorus, to help mothers and babies build and maintain their bones and teeth. Babies born to women who are vitamin D deficient are at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis or asthma later in life. Energy Iron is essential for making hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the other cells. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases almost 50%, therefore requiring more iron to make more hemoglobin to maintain your energy.Iron is not always easy to obtain through diet alone. That’s why Prenatal Easymulti has 15 mg of iron bisglycinate in healthy oils, a non-constipating form of iron that is easy to absorb, allowing you to absorb the iron you need to support your pregnancy. Morning Sickness Morning sickness affects 70-85% of pregnant women. Vitamin B6 manages the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Neural Tube Defects Folic acid and vitamin B12 reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly by as much as 75%. Folic acid supplementation, fortified food (post-1999) along with prenatal screening has seen the birth prevalence of neural tube defects amongst women with no personal health risks, the decline in Canada from a rate of 15 per 10,000 total births in 1998 to 8.2 per 10,000 total births (live births and stillbirths) in 2007. It should be taken 3 months before conception, throughout pregnancy, and in the postpartum period, as long as breastfeeding continues. Women should follow the advice of their healthcare practitioners. Omega absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key Ingredients FOLIC ACID FISH OIL
Prenatal Easymulti Vegan Prenatal cg-dev-platinumnaturals 60
Prenatal Easymulti Vegan from $41.95 CAD $49.79 CAD
Prenatal Easymulti Vegan is a comprehensive multivitamin to complement a vegetarian or vegan diet for women during all stages of pregnancy. In one liquid capsule a day, it combines the daily vitamins, minerals, plus Omega-3 from flaxseed oil to support fetal development. Flaxseed oil is the richest plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids Supports fetal brain and eye development One a day capsule and gentle on the stomach Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects Iron maintains your energy in an easily absorbed form Omega Absorb™ delivery system View Ingredient Table   Description Prenatal Easymulti Vegan supports optimal health for you and your baby: Numerous vitamins and minerals are known to support fertility when you are trying to conceive Replenishes vitamins and minerals depleted by the added demands on your body of a growing fetus Reinforces your immune system at a critical time when you can’t afford to become sick Enhances your vitality and combats feelings of exhaustion, low energy and weakness often experienced in pregnancy Makes up for nutritional shortfalls in your diet and ensures that the baby has an adequate supply of nutrients Improves the quality of breast milk Source of ALA Flaxseed oil is the richest plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids. The conversion to DHA and EPA is very high compared to other vegan-friendly oils.  Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals.  Excipient Free No binders, filler, lubricants, preservatives, or artificial colours.  One a Day Easy to swallow and gentle on the stomach. Key Ingredients FOLIC ACID FLAX SEED OIL
Prenatal Anti-Nausea Prenatal cg-dev-platinumnaturals 60
Prenatal Anti-Nausea $28.59 CAD
Nausea and vomiting can be common during the early stages of pregnancy. Prenatal Anti-Nausea contains a unique combination of ginger, ginger oil, and vitamin B6. These ingredients suspended in our Omega Absorb™ delivery system help support quick relief from digestive upset caused by nausea and lack of appetite.  Anti-Nausea Relieves digestive upsets Omega Absorb™ delivery system View Ingredient Table   Description Nausea and vomiting are common in early pregnancy Prenatal Anti-Nausea offers a combination of ginger and vitamin B6 to help prevent and manage nausea and vomiting, in an easy-to-swallow softgel. Ginger A 2001 survey of a group of obstetricians and gynecologists revealed that most of them would recommend ginger to patients suffering from moderate to severe nausea. Prenatal Anti-Nausea is a convenient alternative if you don’t like the taste of ginger. Vitamin B6 For decades now, vitamin B6 has been used to address digestive upsets such as nausea and vomiting. Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key Ingredients GINGER GINGER OIL VITAMIN B6
Prenatal EasyCal Calcium Prenatal cg-dev-platinumnaturals 120
Prenatal EasyCal Calcium $40.09 CAD
During pregnancy, calcium is essential not only for the baby’s development but also for the mother. Calcium helps support the nervous, muscular, and circulatory systems, as well as for building strong bones and teeth. For pregnant women, 1000 mg a day is recommended. The average woman gets 500-800 mg daily from food. Prenatal EasyCal Calcium is an effective way to meet your calcium needs. Maintains calcium levels Supports fetal and maternal health Helps develop and maintain healthy bones and teeth Omega Absorb™ delivery system View Ingredient Table   Description While multivitamins provide many essential nutrients, calcium is better absorbed when taken separately. This is why we created Prenatal EasyCal Calcium, so you can take your calcium separately from your prenatal multivitamin.The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for calcium during pregnancy is 1000mg per day. The average woman gets about 500-800mg per day from food. Supplementation ensures you get the calcium you need during pregnancy. Magnesium, Vitamin C and D Magnesium is needed to better absorb and metabolize calcium, and is also helpful for reducing leg cramps.Vitamin C is a required co-factor for the formation and maturation of collagen and bone formation. High potency omega-3 oils support bone, eye and brain health and the nervous system. Healthy oils also help you absorb the key ingredients. Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key Ingredients CALCIUM MAGNESIUM
Prenatal EasyIron Extra Gentle Prenatal cg-dev-platinumnaturals 60
Prenatal EasyIron Extra Gentle $27.59 CAD
Prenatal EasyIron Extra Gentle is a gentle and non-constipating iron formula for pregnant and nursing women. It combines iron bisglycinate, which is 4.5x better absorbed than most other forms of iron, with our Omega Absorb™ delivery system for maximum results. Non-constipating Gentle on your stomach Increase stamina and alleviate fatigue Omega Absorb™ delivery system View Ingredient Table   Description Many women complain of fatigue, decreased stamina, and reduced resistance to infection during pregnancy. The reason may be a lack of Iron. During pregnancy, your blood plasma volume increases by 50%. To support this substantial increase, your body needs a generous supply of Iron. Most pregnant women have trouble getting the Iron they need through diet alone, so a daily supplement containing 16 to 20 mg of elemental Iron is recommended. Prenatal EasyIron Extra Gentle is made using Iron Bisglycinate, which has superior bioavailability and has shown a negligible incidence of stomach upset and constipation. Iron that’s extra-gentle Gentle and non-constipating, Prenatal EasyIron Extra Gentle is an excellent source of Iron that’s enhanced with key co-factors including Folic Acid. It’s vegetarian-friendly, non-constipating, and gentle on sensitive stomachs. Zinc, copper, B, C Vitamins Vitamin C promotes Iron absorption, while Zinc and Copper are essential for manufacturing red blood cells. Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid help form new cells and play a role in the development of the baby’s central nervous system. Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key Ingredients VITAMIN B12 IRON BISGLYCINATE FOLIC ACID
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Prenatal Omega-3 DHA Prenatal cg-dev-platinumnaturals 30
Prenatal Omega-3 DHA $28.39 CAD
Omega-3 oils are essential to the development of an infant’s brain and central nervous system. Infants rely on breast milk as a source of DHA, but most women don’t get enough in their diets, making supplementation an excellent option. Prenatal Omega-3 DHA contains 525 mg of DHA per softgel and is molecularly distilled for purity, and available in softgel or liquid form. Fetal Brain Development Helps Improve Cognitive Health Nervous System Support View Ingredient Table   Description Omega-3 oils are highly beneficial to mothers and infants They are essential to developing the brain, as well as the central nervous system and the retina. However, DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that the human body cannot manufacture. During your pregnancy, polyunsaturated fatty acids are incorporated into fetal tissues including the brain and retina. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in particular, is needed to support the development and function of the central nervous system. Concern over fish lowers DHA intake Recent surveys indicate that globally, pregnant women eat very little fish and therefore do not consume enough omega-3 fatty acids. This is primarily due to their concerns about the adverse effects of mercury and other contaminants on the developing fetus. A study conducted on pregnant Canadian women found that 90% of participants fell below the suggested amount calculated by Dietary Reference Intake recommendations. Improved hand-eye coordination and locomotive skills Clinical trials revealed that higher intakes of DHA from fish or from supplementation resulted in infants with better hand-eye coordination and locomotion skills. Birth Weight and Immunity Increased DHA intake has been linked to improved birth weights and enhanced immunity. Key Ingredients FISH OIL VITAMIN D