What to Look for In a Prenatal Vitamin: The Platinum Solution

Why a Prenatal?

Prenatal vitamins are an easy and efficient way to boost the nutritional health of mothers and their babies. Both expecting mothers and those attempting to conceive should consider supplementing their daily nutrition with prenatal vitamins. A baby’s nutritional status reflects its mothers as babies take all of their nutrients from their mothers. Prenatal supplements are a great way for mothers to fill in the gaps that exist in their diet and ensure that the fetus is receiving the necessary nutrition. Here are some key nutrients to consider when choosing a prenatal multivitamin.

Folic Acid

Folic Acid is a key ingredient that supports a baby’s neural development.  Folic acid helps the development of the baby’s brain and spinal cord and reduces the risk of a neural tube defect (deformity of the brain and spinal cord). Folic acid should be taken as early as three months prior to conception because the brain and spinal cord develop in the early stages of pregnancy.


Iron contributes to your body’s blood supply. Increased iron helps to ensure that the increased red blood cell requirements of the mother and the fetus are met particularly in the third trimester. Red blood cells are in high demand as a pregnancy progresses. They carry oxygen to the tissues of the mother and fetus.


Calcium allows babies to grow strong bones and teeth while in the womb. Calcium helps maintain the mother’s bone density. Taking a vitamin with calcium ensures that the mother’s bone density does not deteriorate during pregnancy while she shares her dietary calcium with the fetus.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D retains and absorbs calcium in the body. It is crucial for bone and teeth development in the fetus. Vitamin D is also important to help the mother maintain her bone health. Supplementing your daily nutrition with Vitamin D is highly recommended as very few foods in our typical diet contain sufficient quantities of it . Since the skin’s Vitamin D production is the body’s main source, supplements are especially important during the winter season when sunlight is limited.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty acids are vital for the fetus’s brain and vision development. The 2 most active forms of Omega-3 are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Consuming sufficient levels of Omega-3 is crucial since pregnant women have decreased seafood or fish in their diet. Seafood may contain toxins and impurities that could harm the fetus, which is why seafood consumption should be limited during pregnancy. This makes it even more critical to consume Omega-3 supplements during pregnancy.


Food Sources



Folic Acid

Green leafy vegetables, Beans, Nuts, Citrus, Eggs


Liver, red meat, mussels, oysters, sardines


Dairy, soybeans, Dark green leafy vegetables, calcium-fortified foods

Vitamin D

Fatty Fish Flesh, Fish Liver Oils, Beef Liver


Fish, Vegetable Oils, nuts (esp. walnuts), Flax, Leafy Vegetables


Prenatal Easymulti

Platinum Naturals Prenatal Easymulti is a one-stop shop for nutritionally supporting mothers and babies before, during, and after pregnancy. It is often difficult to create meals that are nutritionally all-encompassing. By taking one soft gel daily (with food), your baby can receive the necessary nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy!

Prenatal Easymulti contains all the crucial vitamins (highlighting folic acid and fish oils) that fill dietary gaps in nutrition, supporting fetal development and healthy mothers. Equipped with Platinum Natural’s Omega AbsorbTM delivery system, your body can effectively receive the nutrients that you and your baby need to flourish. Click here to learn more.