Reduce the inflammation; stop the pain; promote healing.

Inflammation is the surprising root cause of many age-related health concerns: heart conditions, mental health, arthr...

Take control of your Heart Health

Did you know that 9 out of 10 Canadians have at least one risk factor for heart disease o...

Immune-Boosting Recovery Foods

This time of year, focus naturally shifts to protecting the body from increased amounts of circulating cold and flu v...

Confessions of a Skydiver

I learned a lot about myself from skydiving. Perhaps, my most important lesson was learning to say no and doing what ...

Your Health Account: The Jack LaLanne Story

Your health account is your wealth account. Ever heard that statement before?

Letting Go of Low Self-Esteem

Many, many people suffer from low self-esteem. However, you can change how you feel about yourself by doing a few sim...

Self Confidence & Self-Esteem

For most people, these two subjects are often thought of as the same thing.

Calories Versus Nutrition

Sometimes foods that are high in calories can actually be better for you than foods that ...

Trimming The Fat: The Truth About Diet Products

Whether they contain natural or synthetic ingredients, diet products are popular and they receive a lot of media atte...

Natural Health Movement (Part 1)

Before this time there was little attention paid to the nutritional value of food and exe...

7 Day Digital Detox

We created a 7-day digital detox as a reset for anyone who finds themselves addicted to d...